Alcohol vapour, 'alcohol-soaked tampons', powdered alcohol, alcohol enemas and plain old drinking games: Why do some people feel the need to get drunk as quickly as possible?

The story that came out of the UK earlier this week about the bar that pumps an alcoholic vapour into the air ("a sweet mist that smells like a delicious gin and tonic") got me thinking about other ways that people have come up with to get drunk and how they are usually designed to ensure that it happens as quickly as possible. As the article said: "Inhalation ... is an extremely efficient approach. Compared to swallowing the stuff, which means travelling through the stomach and intestine before entering the bloodstream and hitting the brain, inhaling it is ever so much faster ... It's also dangerous. Breathe in too much too fast and you risk alcohol poisoning." Coincidentally, I was asked questions about alcohol vapour twice this week by students, both by young men who wanted to know what risks were involved in the practice. When asked where they had heard about this method of intoxication both told me that they had been sent links to YouTube videos via socia...