Alcohol, young women and breast cancer

I'm a firm believer that if you want to get messages across to young people they must be credible and resonate with them in some way. If you start talking about risks that aren't important to them at their time of life, it's unlikely that they will take notice of them. What is the point of talking about drink driving with 15 year olds? They've got a while to go until they're driving themselves and realistically, as much as many of them can't wait to get behind the wheel of a car, trying to give them messages about driving safely is just not going to work until they are just about to drive or have just started driving. As much as I think it is important to talk about the impact of alcohol on the brain and the liver to young people - you really have to pick the right time. Too early, and honestly, most of them couldn't care less. Potential liver damage is frightening (and very real, particularly for young women) but it's an alien concept for many and certa...